Thanks! Word processors like Microsoft Word and Apple's own Pages software are just dandy if you want to write a college paper or fax a cover sheet, but their focus is on page layout and text formatting. Some employ a tabbed interface, such as Jarte (which is based on the WordPad word processing engine and integrates easily with WordWeb), EditPad Lite (which also has the automatic backup), and Notetab Light(which can also calculate the value of mathematical expressions entered in the program). BBEdit’s existence of more than 26 years is an enough proof that the developers are not going to let this die. You may find many free text editors for Windows but there are very few free applications which are available for Mac and TextMate is one of them. It helps you to write your text format as bold, italic, underlines, and strike-through. As it names suggests, the feature allows you to instantly jump to symbols, lines, or words that you are looking for, and can be activated simply by hitting the keyboard shortcut ⌘P.